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Information Security Course & Lab

10K students


Course & Lab (Semester: Fall):    Senior. Lect. Dr. Eng. Genge Bela


Lab exercices:

LAB 1: Introduction to MFC programming view
LAB 2: Security of Windows-based applications view
LAB 3: Key loggers view
LAB 4: Classical cryptography view
LAB 5: Conventional cryptography - Feistel Networks view
LAB 6: Conventional cryptography - implementation with OpenSSL view
LAB 7: HASH and HMAC functions - implementation with OpenSSL view
LAB 8: Public key cryptography - implementing RSA view
LAB 9: Public key cryptography - implementing RSA using BIGNUMBERS view
LAB 10: Generating X.509 certificates using OpenSSL view
LAB 11: X.509 certificate API view
LAB 12: Buffer overflows view


Handbook of applied cryptography view
Homepage of Bruce Schneier view
Security Protocols Open Repository - SPORE view
Libssh2 view
Putty view
Abadi-Needham: Prudent Engineering Practice for Cryptographic Protocols view
Joshua-Guttman: Security Protocol Design Via Authentication Tests view